My feet and I have a little agreement between us. The agreement is that I wear flats. If I don't, I'll break my feet. With such agreement in mind, I'm on the hunt for a new pair of shoes. My preference is a new pair of brown boat shoes or penny loafers. However, how can my mind help but wander to other things too? Here's some of the shoes I've been considering lately. (Please feel free to vote. *smile*)
Sperry Top-Sider, $65
J. Crew, $128
Timerland, $90
Payless, $21.99
(I realize it's not brown, but like I said... my eyes wander!)
Croft & Barrow, $21.97
St. John's Bay, $39.99
yes to the sperry's but it is almost fall so don't get them. double yes to the J.Crew Driving Mocs.
p.s. you did not offend me at all ;)
I love my boat shoes. I have a pair from when I was in High School. I have a great pair of shoes from Franco sarto that are just too comfortable. They look like the ones from Croft & barrow.
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