Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Little things I love

I love to browse the Internet for cute thing, whimsical things, good party ideas, etc. Here's just a few things I've come across lately.

Customized party plates from LA Plates. You pick the design, the colors, and the wording. Each plate is $20.

Notecards from Carrot & Stick, 8 pack for $16

Summer Cupcakes ideas from Martha Stewart.

Banana Republic, $64

Knitted ring pillows from Martha Stewart

Tucker Blair, needle point headband, "coming soon"

Waterbottle koozie, $15 by So Pretty

Sailboat Key Fob, $32, from Etsy seller PreppyPetunia

Nantucket Earrings, $18, from Etsy Seller WildWomanJewelry

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